Needed Stuff:
- a Mrs De/Recompiler
- a Text Programm like Wordpad/Editor
- a bit Time, a Brain or my Item ID's

While in a Debug Game you're using preset Items.
Those items are a Meele, 2 Ranged Weapons and 1 Item.
(Only 1 because the other slot is taken by a element wich cant be taken out.)
(If you dont like the element, like me, just blank out the effect texture in sfx.mrs)
To get the Item ID's search for the Weapon names in the zitem.xml.
On the 05 client are the descriptions and names stored in the zitem.xml
instead of a external strings.xml

Changing Stuff:
- Decompile your System.mrs and Open zitem.xml.
- Your getting a shitload of text.
- Ignor everything until item id ="1", because thats the start of the important data.
- Now search for the Weapon/Item (Name) to change it.
|_If you're to lazy heres my list:
|_ Slot - ID
|_ Meele = 1
|_ 1st Range = 8003
|_ 2nd Range = 9003
|_ 1st Item = 400007

- Lets say we want to change the Katana into a Kodachi.
|_ Change the mesh_name"" from katana01 (or what ever you have there right now) to mesh_name"blade01" (or to your custom model name, i prefer renaming my items to 'weapontype'01 because its less work like that)
|_ Next step, change weapon type, weapon="katana" (or whatever you have) into weapon"doublekatana".
|_ Done.
- For other weapon types look through the zitem.xml.
- Save and Recompile the System.mrs and place it into your runnables folder.
- "Done", see Optional if wanted.

Optional Step:
- This isnt needed when you just want to see how it Looks ingame, however, you may want the correct animations and sounds.
- Decompile Model.mrs and open Weapon.xml.
- "Ignore" everything until addweapnelu name"", but take a look at the beginning for the Weapon Motion and Weapon Type Number list.
- The weapon.xml doesnt uses id's like the zitem.xml, the weapon.xml only uses the elu name and the file path.

Side Note:
The Meele Weapons have 'special' animations (Idle,Charge and attack) thats why there are addanimation names at the first area.
To get the elu.ani names look into man&woman.mrs
Ill go along with the example from earlier and change the animations to the kodachi animations.

- Change addweaponelu name="katana01" (or whatever you have) to addweaponelu name="blade01".
-Now its time for the Animation and the Sound/Effects, weapon_motion_type are the Sounds and Effects, weapon_type are the animations.
|_ Change weapon_motion_type = "7" to weapon_motion_type = "13"
|_ Next step the animation, change weapon_type = "10" to weapon_type = "17".
- The next line gets the previous elu name (blade01) and obviously the correct file path.
|_ Change filename="model/weapon/katana/katana01.elu" to filename="model/weapon/blade/blade01.elu".
- Last thing to do is setting the Animations (Read Side Note) itself.
|_ Change AddAnimation name="idle" filename="model/weapon/man/katana_idle.elu.ani" motion_type="0" motion_loop_type="lastframe" to AddAnimation name="idle" filename="model/weapon/blade/blade_idle.elu.ani" motion_type="0" motion_loop_type="lastframe"
|_ addanimation name="load" filename="model/weapon/man/katana_load.elu.ani" motion_type="0" motion_loop_type="lastframe" to
addanimation name="load" filename="model/weapon/man/blade_load.elu.ani" motion_type="0" motion_loop_type="lastframe"
|_ and addanimation name="attack" filename="model/weapon/man/katana_attack.elu.ani" motion_type="0" motion_loop_type="lastframe" to AddAnimation name="attack" filename="model/weapon/man/blade_attack_jump.elu.ani" motion_type="0" motion_loop_type="lastframe"
- Save and Recompile Model.mrs and paste it into your runables folder.

Its not as hard as it looks, just concentrade and use your brain.
Feel free to ask questions.
And im no Rep biatch ...