Originally Posted by Dante View Post
1- I doubt he's 12 or 40. Anyways, you don't know, pretty much.
2- Xhaka is pretty much a random of her own.
3- Cry is the closest thing to Justin, GTR and YSL = A d!ckrider
4- No wonder the "other" Cry had to be in Gangg's team, to spoil his positions to his other Cry BFF.

And I wonder what got in to you all people ever since Gangg got removed from the GM position..?
Makes me think y'all want his D because he was GM and you haven't had the opportunity to be one.
Calling us ****riders but you posted a whole paragraph to defend your boyfriend?? How are we ****riders...? LOL You're the one defending your boyfriend agaisnt people who've never heard about u kid.