Originally Posted by valor2me View Post
The answer is no; we cannot have a discussion on FGunZ forum lul. If you are too critical of the way fgunz staff/members do things you will be banned and it is genuinely sad/pathetic. staff banned half the community unjustly and had dummies viewing the report evidence and calling the shots. v10 was just a ploy to get ***** to spend more money before the server completely dies which was about 8months ago. This forum now is just a funny place to ego/troll. no1 can take staff seriously nor should they take themselves seriously when the game they moderate/forum has 30-50players DAILY lmao. like i said sad and just pathetic. Hackers who are 100% hacking with 100% proof should be banned permanently. i mean thats just common sense? I remember when people would pay to get unbanned and it worked quite frequently...RIP!

fg forum is like a fascist state!
Only people who were banned for charging back money could pay for unbans, we never unbanned anyone else for money.

As for the actual question in the first post - we have a GM protocol that claims people can request an unban after being banned for 3 months (previously 6 months, and before that probably longer). This doesn't mean they must be unbanned.