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  1. #1
    JP's Avatar L e a d e r

    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Hey Freestylers!

    From today on a new Daily Reward System is taking place which gives you higher rewards for playing.

    Daily Reward System

    For every day you play actively ingame (min. 3 hours), you will get a free Lucky Box!

    The rewards are always sent at midnight (00:00 amsterdam time) unless you set a different time zone in your control panel @ ("Edit AP Zone"). If you're online at midnight (00:00 amsterdam time) and haven't met the requirements yet, the server will attempt to re-send the rewards to you 3 hours later (03:00 amsterdam time) instead (if you've met the requirements of course).


    • You must be online for at least 3 hours and gain some EXP or get some kills (kills in training rooms don't count)

    • You don't have to play 3 hours actively. You can spend a majority of your time in lobby, as long as you get the required amount of kills / EXP in total.

    • We don't tell you how much the exact required amount of kills / EXP is.

    • You can check your exact daily playtime / daily kills / daily EXP at your dashboard.

    - - - - - - - - - -

    The more days you play in a row, the higher the rewards:

    • Every day you will get a lucky box.

    • Every 3 days you will get a lucky box + cosmetic box.

    • Every 7 days you will get a lucky box + 1 AP Shield*.

    • Every 10 days you will get a lucky box + 100 coins.

    Plus you are also getting bonus EXP (+10% per day) up to +100% (after 10 days).

    *AP Shields will save your streak from resetting when you miss a day. Every time you miss a day, 1 AP shield will be used to save your streak. So you can continue the next day as if nothing happened. If you have multiple AP shields (e.g. 10) you could miss 10 days in a row and still have your streak.

    - - - - - - - - - -

    Redeem Lucky Box

    You can redeem the free Lucky Boxes at (You can choose any of the Lucky Boxes).
    Next to the button is a counter that shows how many free lucky boxes you have (in my case: 17):

    If you don't see the counter, that means you have 0 free lucky boxes at the moment.

    - - - - - - - - - -

    Redeem Cosmetic Box

    You can redeem the free Cosmetic Boxes at
    Same as for the lucky box, there is a counter next to the button that shows how many free cosmetic boxes you have (in my case: 1):

    If you don't see the counter, that means you have 0 free cosmetic boxes at the moment.

    - - - - - - - - - -


    - - - - - - - - - -

    We hope you enjoy this update and tell your friends about it! Who would say no to a free lucky box every day?

    See you ingame,
    FreestylersWorld Staff

    - - -

    Update 6th July 2022:

    7 Event Points replaced by 1 AP Shield!


  2. The following 16 users say thank you to JP for this useful post:

    Barbz (03-03-2019), Bipolarity (03-05-2019), Daniel (03-03-2019), Dicaprio (03-04-2019), Eran (03-03-2019), Glaizel (03-04-2019), Jonathan pls (03-14-2019), King (03-03-2019), NeelTrix (03-04-2019), Ommadawn (03-04-2019), randomserver (03-04-2019), Ren Kaidou (03-04-2019), samert (03-03-2019), Shu (03-05-2019), Stuwadie (03-03-2019), Zeino (03-03-2019)

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