Hello, callin out every pros here in fgunz, to participate on this tournament.

A Tournament that will not just test your skills, but a tournament that will challenge you to the very end.

Every Gunz participants should be 18 above, 17 below are not allowed due of gunz experience.

And must be a player of fgunz, or masang-korean server. Any server that is not part of kserver,fgunz will be considered as a failure due of skills gap, team communication, immature or under-age.

Tournaments are:

(1vs1 - 120 slots)
(2vs2 - 180 slots)
(3vs3 & 4vs4 KoreanServer are the host for this one)
(5vs5 300slots).

Prizes depends between the korean gunz server, and the freestylegunz.

Champions of 1v1 2vs2 aswell 5vs5 here in FGunZ will advance to the (WORLD OF GUNZ CHANPIONSHIP) in korea, as a fgunz champions representatives.

Thank you - Top player _ jackie