i dont remaber my id pw and not remaber my gmail im 6 yers old player in fgunz just active in gunz but not remaber my user name and id pw plzz help me bros pm me my account name is hacker_dude Attachment 17307 plzz help me i Attachment 17307 Attachment 17307i kAttachment 17307on[ATTACH]17307[/ATTACHAttachment 17307 Attachment 17307Attachment 17307Attachment 17307iAttachment 17307Attachment 17307Attachment 17307Attachment 17307Attachment 17307Attachment 17307Attachment 17307Attachment 17307Attachment 17307Attachment 17307Attachment 17307Attachment 17307Attachment 17307Attachment 17307Attachment 17307Attachment 17307Attachment 17307Attachment 17307Attachment 17307Attachment 17307 i know are you solved ny probelms
see my second post all information have there