Originally Posted by #1Chef View Post
I think there's already a pretty clear gap between the players, the skilled players usually stick to CW (when there's anyone available to) or rotation TDMs or Duel, they're very rarely in AnD rooms or big Garden TDMs. Skill isn't just about aim so there will always be this gap with these 2 groups existing, that's how the GunZ community always has been.

Yes playercount is low now however most complaints we see are from those skilled players, the bad players usually just adjust and stick to playing against each other regardless. In my opinion we should put the spread testing back on the table and have it public on the dev server as it was before and get the feedback (as long as people actually turn up to the testing).

The rebalancing of shotguns can be discussed after the spread discussion has been resolved. Just my opinion.
Jesus is that you? Please do this. First day back and I already notice the spread issue.