A few things you might want to look at when it comes to sizes and textures.

KitKat med
  • The texture is one sided instead of double sided
  • Scale it down by roughly 75%, these are so big right now

Pumpkin med
  • Would be cool to have these more in the style of the game, what I mean by this is using parts of other original GunZ textures to make your own; for example you could swap the flame animated texture (kudos on trying this btw) to the original flame texture of the map torches for example (Mansion files) and for the pumpkin you could look at some Halloween files like the pumpkin mask (man/woman files) or Halloween town (hween map files) so the overall look you would create is as if the item comes from the game itself already, like a player "would pick it up out of the halloween map" as an idea, would be a really cool special halloween item btw for an event or something
  • Would also scale it down by 10~20% at most