Originally Posted by Traumatiser View Post
yeah it is the complete removal is the best way to go about it.. and I dont see how that being removed means infinite ammo and instant reload is needed to be added but sure if it will gain 20-30 more players go for it tbh but yea just light/standard/heavy into 1 category and add IA ( reload ) and balance the sgs with the dmgs I gave while giving lbx a slight boost considering its hte recent (ultra 'rare') sg so people dont cry about the money they spent even though I wouldnt care having both lbs if they were both the exact same and equivalent to even donors but some people would cause they need every advantage they can get (cough those people are you yes the questers of this server) the actual half decent community want equality and proper balance.

anyway yeah
I think what he meant was that both these reason were seen as "big factors" that affected player count, therefore if one should get done, so should the other. I don't really agree with it since IA and R have been implemented in certain modes such as Infected, CTF and Turbo already. The replacement being Ammo Drop I think has worked out quite nicely.

Anyway in regards to the SG Re-balance, it would be interesting to see a chart that shows the delay / damage of the shotguns both in-game and donor with changes that make things balanced.