Originally Posted by Shang View Post
Thats what I have been thinking too lately. I haven't seen anyone using the [H] class shotguns. It's absolutely horrible. I like the changes you are suggesting. My favorite shotgun are the Black Infinity shotguns but it is a shame that the limitbreakers are just too powerful. A question tho, what delay/dmg are you thinking of?
In v7 you had 1 limit breaker and it did 10 dmg and it had 900 delay. And the 200 coins shotguns had 9 dmg and 850 delay. I don't want it to be a spamming fest again.

Also, you talked about making all the shotguns the same dmg but different delays. But how different, like a 50 delay difference? Would that devalue the limitbreakers?
Just something to think about.

Regarding the pioneer/avenger, what I'm suggesting is making them the level 90 shotguns. They will be the highest dmg bounty shotguns with the same stats as the red shotguns (100 coins shotguns). Good idea?
Could be a delay change of 100-200 to normal donor shop ones which is STILL BIG but not enough to make people mad cause it just means less quicker rs spam which is how gunz should be or make lbx 9 or 10dmg and normal lb 1 dmg less and same delay while normal donor shop items same as lb dmg but 100-200 delay off EITHER WAY it will make lbx as owners intended the superior shotgun but not enough to get people jaded into being forced to use it this is just one of many ways you can go around it.

and yeah or just make every shotgun after lv 60 same dmg n delay so pioneer n b8 b7 and b9p is lv 60 in that situation wit prob 1 dmg less then the donor ones and then you can also make vannila mod ingame just auto equip these 2 guns and yong wol rang so its actually vanilla and STICKS to the real name