Originally Posted by Traumatiser View Post
or you can also add a way like for the sets / clothes with weapons so people can put the swaggiest shotguns they want over the op ones like wearing lb and lbx and then having a pioneer n lbx over same with the donor set underneath and u can wear what u want jus for the hp/ap of the one underneath

would be a pretty cool concept too

but this still doenst fix the balance issues as you stated yeah its pretty garbage imo anyway i doubt no matter how perfect you make it people are ever going to use it cause what you dont understand is gunz players never like change or change of meta remind yourself back to 1-2 yrs when snipers were mad op and people just hated it and eventually it got nerfed and nerfed to the point that its at now hardly used back then their was so many active snipers weither we accept it or not in general gunz players dont like meta change at all i still think no matter how perfect you balance 3pellet sgs it still wont be as po pular as 5pellet and can potentially make things WAY worse than it already is for the server

why is why i proposed to drop all of this and just do it like I said but if you wnna try yolo
I thought about the cosmetic slots for weapons before, the only problem is though that people would / could complain when they get hit high damage from a shotgun that looks like it's low damage. Or when people want a fair fight with same equipment (e.g. rusty sword, or lvl 60 sgs) and end up cheating / hiding their strong weapons by covering them with said skins. I'm thinking that could be a problem. Not sure.

GunZ players don't like changes / change of meta, that's true. If anything is equal or better than standard shotguns you see a lot of people complaining because of new meta. Most people just want their good old shotgun fights and they don't want to adapt to something new and I accept that.