Originally Posted by BanRays View Post
That +1 dmg you mention is not really relevant cause from lvl 80 which is pretty easy to get all the sgs have the same dmg.
The lbs only have 50 delay over the donor sgs nad like 100-150 over normal sgs which is pretty useless imo i can understand people who spend a lot of money to get them are mad.

And lets be real last week you wouldn't have said this

i don't see you getting your moneys worth with an lb anymore when you can get a 200c donor sg and only have 50 more delay.

But cool update fun to use some bounty sgs again without being useless and nice pick of the csgo skins i like those.
That still doesn't make it any worse over any other shotgun, it's still better, it's just not OP, so no I don't get why they are complaining.
You still have a good shotgun, you just have to use some skills with it now, perhaps practicing on goblins in a quest room isn't the answer.

No why would I say it last week? It wasn't relevant last week. However if you don't think the topic about LB's being OP has ever been discussed before then maybe visit the forum more often.

Well that's fine if you don't see how it's worth it but I see nothing wrong and again, you never had to spend the money, it's just a faster option. You easily can earn coins other ways (like playing the game).