Originally Posted by StJeaNi View Post
Nice update! Can we get (in maybe next update) good quest items aswell? Like a legendary double MG or something? Ty for update!
Quests will definitely play a role in the next updates.

Originally Posted by EternalBeast View Post
This seems rather odd, since people have been used to 10 dmg [S] shotguns for a long time now. In fact, these stats would further deter players from using heavy shotguns because -2 clip and +50 delay (compared to previous LB/LBX stats) isn't very appealing - let alone stacking 2 heavy shotguns. Wouldn't 11 damage be a better option here?

These models look good but the revolver accuracy has been poor since the v8 update, so there's not much of a reason for some players to try and obtain them. Will there be changes to the accuracy in the future?
Should not judge the shotgun damage if you didn't test it with the new spray yet. During testing we've decided that regular shotguns should not go above 9 dmg (8 dmg felt even better) let alone single heavys above 10.

It's definitely possible that the accuracy of revolvers gets improved in future.

Nothing is set in stone.
Originally Posted by Dave View Post
We have no 3D modelers so rather copy than no updates at all.
Not exactly copies though. The models are from GunZ, the textures aren't and I had to draw parts of the textures myself to make them look good with our models (not to forget the designs are too sexy to only be available in csgo)