Reported Player : Rwina_Ruut/Bipolarity
Reason: been swearing on jews, he was being racist towards our country religion , mentioned hitler to remind us about the extermination against the jews, as u can see in the screenshot he said : "should u be hailing jesus or hatin hitler"
i told him btw i'm gonna report you, he told me as u can see : "where's the report pussy", like he doesn't care if i will report him or not / at the end he said " bye emotional *****", also as u can see the gm reality told him to stop, it was before 3 days , at the first time i didn't want to report him but again he came back to the event dat bipolarity was hosting it today , it was death race , specifically 3rd round i was almost full hp with ap/ no one was behind me , also mike was in the beginning , and guess what?/ he suicided purposely , like 2/3 players were alive , then he saw me almost finishing the ice part , instantly suicides , is it weird? it is, i told him , it's your mistake to suicide , it's not mine , he doesn't give a shit , saying "REROUND" , he did the reround with 12 player again, decreased my chance for winning to 8%, when i was really going to win it , then mike came back again / egoing /taunting after killing me in the event, so basically its' not weird , typing in da lobby " cry mad cuz bad no point ", so it's really went to be very obvious rigged event, at the end i don't care about da event points, i'm playing it only for fun, specifically the events in this server what keeps this server alive , i don't care about Rwina or bipo , or both of them, also i don't care about the event points , important point dat should be mentioned; it should be hosted fairly , even though he did a mistake by suicide, he must continue by taking a look to players positions, not saying REROUND REROUND FOR ALL , when 2/3 players alive, hosting events these days went to be so bad, it's right you guys are trying to improve the server , by updating and releasing a new updates for the game, but in the other side , u should check what's going on in the game , like ET who's exposing players ip dat's im not gonna mention him rightnow, because i don't want to report him rightnow
+ i requested from bipo the replay of the event, he didn't give me w/e
so here comes my screenshots: