Yeah, this goes out to (mostly) my clan. I'm very sorry for my unexcused absense... for I have been very interested in ping-pong/table tennis more and mor by the passing days. My average hrs (of play) per day is at least 4.. and I've decided to play in the State Championship. Another reason i haven't been on is that Norton has detected gunzlauncher.exe as a virus.. My father had found out, and banned me from playing GunZ. He's uninstalled it, and everytime I re-install it, Norton auto-deletes it. Some of you guys have tried to help me with that problem, and I thank you for that. I believe that I will need to wait till the new client comes out. For now, this is goodbye . Forgive, Malevolence, Model, and 1Shot1Kill are in charge of Dropped until I come back. <3 Hope to see you all soon!