IGN of reported player: WarningMe , Arab & Martai

Reason: Kicking so annoyed! i was made the room for fun levels and they kicked me did you even know my name fgunzismylyf= FREESTYLE GUNZ IS MY LIFE im enjoying levels and i got this kicked by shits please !!!!!!! 2019!!!! stop act like this and this Martai idk him he message me he tryin to kick because he dont want to reach his levels we both on the competitions unfair !

Proof/Evidence: https://imgur.com/a/wkD24MD

WarningMe - https://freestylersworld.com/showthread.php?117466
WarningMe"1st attempt"rejected - https://www.sendspace.com/file/xs2l0s
WarningMe"2nd attempt" rewind x100 the video into the last part left down corner chatbox - https://www.sendspace.com/file/kwqs3b

Martai - https://www.sendspace.com/file/y3qedg