Originally Posted by Zeus View Post

Elaborating on said thread in regards to tournament items.

Tournament items have one main purpose. That purpose being to AWARD a winner of a tournament so they hold something with uniqueness in the game that can only be obtained by being the best of the best at the time of a present tournament.

Now current and ex staff members with tournament items because they've hosted.

Addressing the above issue; Strip current and ex staff of their items, I understand there is a stressful effort gone into organising a tournament and monitoring a tournament with the replays etc, however a staff member is CHOOSING to have that effort, if their sole purpose for creating a tournament is to only recieve a item, then they need to check them selves, what a lame way to obtain such an item and take away the clout purposes from those who actually hold some kind of a skill level in order to receive an item the proper way. If y'all want a reward for hosting a tournament (which honestly should be apart of your staff role to do so) then give those staff members some coins for some cosmetic boxes or something.

Anyways toodles FG just wanted to give my 2 cents before disappearing again, was good catching up with some of y'all, hanging my DESERVED tournament sword back up on the mantle piece again.

Oh also give the CROWN back its self worth.

S/O Rain, Ph4nt0m, Connor, Ant, Cleave, Chef, Nerval, VoaR, Yui, Lines for making my Freestyle GunZ experience a pleasure after a long long long departure away from the game after the closure of IJJI, however it's ran its course It was good to see some old players back from the IJJI days still playing and also coming across some new players keeping the game somewhat alive.

Knicky/Hoodlum/i_gangster_i out.
Thanks for the shout but ***** u basically just reposted my thread