Hi Zelgaduss,

I appreciate you taking your time to explain your situation however you need to understand that staff members are here to help other players and to ensure the game runs smoothly.

I can see you have a negative feedback about the "RPG mode" which is fine, not everyone will like it, but instead of PM'ing our developer (who is currently McSic) about the issues/feedback or any sort of suggestions that will make it better, you chose to publicly disrespect McSic. You already posted on the thread itself stating your feedback, I don't see why you should disrespect any staff members with any sort of negative comments in-game.

You have been here since 2013, you probably know that a report that has no evidence is automatically declined, however looking at what has been said in-game, I don't see why you should be muted.

I have spoken to Ben (Ommadawn) and he has agreed to unmute you in-game, if this repeats again then you will be muted+optional warning depending on how bad it is.

Our rules clearly state - You must respect all staff members at all times regardless in-game or on forums.

If you have any other questions regarding this matter, feel free to PM myself or any of our GM's/Admins.
