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  1. #1
    New Member

    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    As title stated, I'd like to make a complaint/report regarding Ommadawn being incompetent handling towards my feedback and comments regarding the new mode and hence muting me without any official verbal warning.

    I would provide screenshots but unfortunately I was force-relogged in-game and on forum chatbox before I had my chance to proof his mishandling of verbal comments/criticism.

    Expecting a person that has such authority in-game and on forums, I would expect a minimal level of professionalism and competency to stay calm and handle any comments despite positive or negative intentions. But I would doubt his abilities to handle further players or any similar cases in the future as he prioritize on silencing such proceedings and neglecting his responsibilities to ease or assist players.

    On a side note, this has been a long on-going issue with Freestylers community as most moderators does not even have a shred of accountability towards their actions. hence again as a reminder they would ultimately become judge, jury and executioner. I will not bother to state names regarding the matters in the past but I would like to address this to the Freestylers team to re-evaluate your moderators more thoughfully.

    Note - do not even bother locking this thread as I have been well-aware majority of the cases does not conclude with a win-win situation. All replies are are being screenshotted as proof and as well the moderators to prove their capabilities to handle cases in a more serious mentality. If a group discussion that needs to be made to sort this out, I would like to inform the Freestylers team to be aware of my time zone (GMT +8) as it may affect the speed of rectifying this matter.

    Thank you for acknowledging my post and I shall await for any further updates from the higher authority side.
    Last edited by Zelgaduss; 10-22-2019 at 08:16 PM.
    Originally Posted by Charm Hye View Post
    Pro Zelga

    Officially retired on - 28/12/2016

  2. #2
    Divine's Avatar Ex Head Game Moderator

    Join Date
    May 2012
    Hi Zelgaduss,

    I appreciate you taking your time to explain your situation however you need to understand that staff members are here to help other players and to ensure the game runs smoothly.

    I can see you have a negative feedback about the "RPG mode" which is fine, not everyone will like it, but instead of PM'ing our developer (who is currently McSic) about the issues/feedback or any sort of suggestions that will make it better, you chose to publicly disrespect McSic. You already posted on the thread itself stating your feedback, I don't see why you should disrespect any staff members with any sort of negative comments in-game.

    You have been here since 2013, you probably know that a report that has no evidence is automatically declined, however looking at what has been said in-game, I don't see why you should be muted.

    I have spoken to Ben (Ommadawn) and he has agreed to unmute you in-game, if this repeats again then you will be muted+optional warning depending on how bad it is.

    Our rules clearly state - You must respect all staff members at all times regardless in-game or on forums.

    If you have any other questions regarding this matter, feel free to PM myself or any of our GM's/Admins.


    "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us."

    "The brave may not live forever, but the cautious do not live at all."

  3. #3
    Ommadawn's Avatar Bird + Trash = ?

    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Fair enough, maybe I was being too defensive about it. Feedbacks are indeed important but do you honestly expect people to listen to you when you say stuff like "This mode is retarded, devs have 0 iq"? As I told to one of the other GMs, I myself am not a big fan of RPG games in general and I also think this mode could be improved. I'd probably have a normal conversation with you if you didn't rush to insult the staff members. Only reason I'm willing to remove this mute is because it's too minor, such behaviour is still not acceptable so see this as a verbal warning.

    Basically Divine said everything I had to say but yea, my only advice to you is to think twice before you insult - it automatically makes people want to ignore nor block you, no matter what you have to say.

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