Originally Posted by Michi View Post
the thing is games rip off of each other all the time and it doesn’t seem like they get much, if any, heat for it. game developing from my pov seems like an art and never will be perfect. if it works, it works.

ot: I love the v8 interface a lot... and it is very functional.
This is very true, don't know what the other guy is talking about. Game designers copy each other all the time or rather 'borrow' elements from other sources because frankly, it's much easier and a lot cheaper. If you look at most game trailers/concept art (even for AA+ games), you'll start to notice a constant familiarity in themes; it's solely because originality is expensive. The same holds true for pretty much most areas of game development, right down to even the game mechanics; if something is known to work well, it'll probably be recycled a bunch of times until it's worn out.

You could get into a whole separate conversation on the boundaries in what defines 'stealing' ideas and what constitutes 'being inspired' and the whole ethical dilemma that comes with each. Point is, borrowing ideas is extremely common in game development and even encouraged.

Also @Amers, dark mode would like to have a word lol. I swear dark mode themes are found in pretty much every site/app now. I wouldn't say brighter colours necessarily means better, especially considering apps like flux aren't really compatible with games.