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  1. #1
    Bunny's Avatar woof.

    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    I made this thread following a decision by the event team to add a line for modifications for each event in the event list, that each host can choose to add individually to spice up the event.
    If you've ever come up with an idea for a twist to an existing event that you want to add to the list that isnt in there already, feel free to post it below.
    The event team can then add the modifications for each event based on this thread and the suggestions you make and use them when hosting.

    Standard PVP Modifications (list of acceptable modifications you can add to any event below that is marked with a *)
    • GLAD: Forcing players to glad.
    • RVO: Forcing players to play with revs.
    • SGO: Forcing players to play with shotguns.
    • SNO: Forcing players to play with snipers.
    • AD: Allowing players to pick up the ammo of players who died.
    • RPG: Players who get kills can become stronger for the rest of the round/event (depends).
    • VAMP: Players who don't deal any damage and don't die lose hp over time and are thus more susceptible to death.
    • TURBO GAMEMODE: Self explanatory.

    Standard Physics Changing Modifications (list of acceptable modifications you can add to any event below that is marked with a **)
    • G0~G300: For gravity modification. Recommended not to go below G10 (10% gravity).
    • S0~S300: For walk speed modification. Recommended not to go below S10 (10% walk speed).
    • J0~J300: For jumping height modification. Recommended not to use J1~J20, but J0 and any other value is fine.
    • RTD: For rolling the dice options that change the physics randomly.

    • All said tags can be used together with one another, to change the event even more. In no situation can they not go together, in the events that theyre stated in.

    Attributes Touchdown
    Possible Modifications:
    • Adding J0. This is to prevent the players from jumping, forcing them to outsmart or recoil the host(s).
    • Adding G50, NS, NC, NR, and host uses a rusty sword. This means players have to tumble from side to side, but they wont get killed with 1 slash, and instead be killed in 6-7. The idea is to get hit as least as possible and make it to the other side as many times as possible. recommended to have more than 1 host for this.
    • Standard physics changing modifications listed at the start of the thread.**

    Possible Modifications:
    • Adding S150~S300. This means when players walk against the fence when throwing meds, the meds will fly further out based on the bonus speed, allowing for further circles and opening up more circle options.

    Possible Modifications:
    • Standard PVP modifications listed at the start of the thread.*
    • Standard physics changing modifications listed at the start of the thread.**

    Possible Modifications:
    • Change (NS optional based on the host) to be a modification here. If NS is used, Adding G50, J0.

    Bumper Cars
    Possible Modifications:
    • Removing G300, Adding G10. This means that anyone that saves himself from being lunged and jumps takes a long time to get back down, and punishing someone who does get lunged off as he will take a long time to respawn.
    • Adding VAMP, NC, NR, forcing every player to use a rusty dagger. This means that players that didn't get lunged off for a long time can die from slashes.

    Capture the Flag
    Possible Modifications:
    • Standard PVP modifications listed at the start of the thread *
    • Standard physics changing modifications listed at the start of the thread.**

    Circle of Mines
    Possible Modifications:
    • Adding NS to force players to tumble to the circle. Increases difficulty tremendously.
    • Standard physics changing modifications listed at the start of the thread.**

    Possible Modifications:
    • Couldn't find any as of now.

    Possible Modifications:
    • Standard PVP modifications listed at the start of the thread *
    • Standard physics changing modifications listed at the start of the thread.**

    Possible Modifications:
    • Adding J0. This means players cant jump and have to dodge the mines more strategically.
    • Adding S150~S300. This means that both players and the host move a lot faster.

    Die by Nade
    Possible Modifications:
    • Standard physics changing modifications listed at the start of the thread.**

    Possible Modifications:
    • Adding G5, J22. This means players jump about the same distance upwards, but jumping overall takes considerably more time to complete, giving a sense of floatation and a requirement to 'lead' the rockets before passing above them, because if they jump and immediately pass over rockets, they would explode having not jumped high enough. This is considered the harder of the 2 options, because its not easy to lead.
    • Adding G300, J180~J200. Same concept as above, except now the overall time that takes to reach the ground again after jumping is very short, meaning players will have to jump right when the rocket is about to hit them. I believe it opens up alot of options for the host, because jumping while shooting and moving side to side creates a very narrow opening to go under, that just about fits one player's width.

    Don't Fall Down
    Possible Modifications:
    • Rocket version: Everyone are required to equip rockets (can be stun grenadelaunchers aswell). Adding: NI, G50, Removing: NG.
    • Standard physics changing modifications listed at the start of the thread.**

    Possible Modifications:
    • Standard PVP modifications listed at the start of the thread *
    • Standard physics changing modifications listed at the start of the thread.**

    End of the World
    Possible Modifications:
    • Adding NS so players cant climb.
    • Adding FF so players can fight among each other while trying to survive.
    • Standard physics changing modifications listed at the start of the thread (Except G0~G300).**

    Fall Into Oblivion
    Possible Modifications:
    • Removing NG, allowing players to wear rockets and stun grenade launchers to slow down other players.
    • Standard physics changing modifications listed at the start of the thread.**

    Find the Ghost
    Possible Modifications:
    • Removing NI, allowing players to use items.
    • Standard physics changing modifications listed at the start of the thread.**

    First to Die
    Possible Modifications:
    • Version 2: Gamemode is training and players are required to die by the host who will be shooting/nading/rocketing 1 specific spot x amount of times, first to die said times gets +1, alternatively, last to die x times gets kicked every time. x can be dynamic and change between maps and rounds.
    • Standard physics changing modifications listed at the start of the thread.**

    Flip the Staff
    Possible Modifications:
    • Host removes his admin ring, allowing players to also try to slash him to death (mainly in a case where he gets flipped and cant be saved, someone else can steal the point by killing the host).
    • Removing NI, allowing players to use items.
    • Removing NG, allowing players to use rockets/stun grenadelaunchers.
    • Adding FF, allowing players to kill eachother/make eachother suicide.
    • Standard physics changing modifications listed at the start of the thread.**

    Freestyle Wars
    Possible Modifications:
    • Standard PVP modifications listed at the start of the thread *
    • Standard physics changing modifications listed at the start of the thread.**

    Friendly Fire Frenzy
    Possible Modifications:
    • Standard PVP modifications listed at the start of the thread *
    • Standard physics changing modifications listed at the start of the thread.**

    Guess the Password
    Possible Modifications:
    • None found at this time.

    Gun Game
    Possible Modifications:
    • Standard PVP modifications listed at the start of the thread *
    • Standard physics changing modifications listed at the start of the thread.**

    Hide and Seek
    Possible Modifications:
    • Turning FF on and removing NG, allowing players to play deathmatch while the host is counting from 30 instead of 60, freezing at the end. Last player alive (after the host hunts too) wins.
    • Standard physics changing modifications listed at the start of the thread.**

    Hunger Games
    Possible Modifications:
    • Standard PVP modifications listed at the start of the thread *
    • Standard physics changing modifications listed at the start of the thread.**

    Possible Modifications:
    • Standard PVP modifications listed at the start of the thread *
    • Standard physics changing modifications listed at the start of the thread.**

    Kill the Staff
    Possible Modifications:
    • Why is this event still in the event list?

    King of the Hill
    Possible Modifications:
    • Increasing the value in the gravity tag, making massives more punishing and climbing harder. Overall harder.
    • Lowering the value in the gravity tag, making massives less punishing and climbing easier. Overall easier.
    • Removing S300, Adding G300, J300 for super high jumps and faster falling.

    Last Man Standing
    Possible Modifications:
    • Adding NS, forcing players to tumble. Recommended: Bonus speed tag to make it easier for players.
    • Allowing FF so players can play deathmatch while the host is hunting.
    • Removing NG so players can use rockets and stun grenade launchers.
    • Removing NI so players can use items.
    • Standard physics changing modifications listed at the start of the thread.**

    Possible Modifications:
    • Adding J0, making players unable to jump above mines.
    • Adding S300, making it harder for players to navigate carefully.

    Possible Modifications:
    • remove it and add into part of the race modifications, as stated in race.

    Lunge the Staff
    Possible Modifications:
    • Host removes his admin ring, allowing players to also try to slash him to death (mainly in a case where he gets lunged and cant be saved, someone else can steal the point by killing the host).
    • Removing NI, allowing players to use items.
    • Standard physics changing modifications listed at the start of the thread.**

    Possible Modifications:
    • Removing NI, allowing players to use items to make their chances of survival higher as opposed to their opponents (mines, training nades, vials...)
    • Adding G50 specifically, as the gravity value is known to have a lot of new tricks associated with it.
    • Removing NG, allowing players to use rockets and stun grenadelaunchers to make other players suicide, while theyre only tumbling around and the host is hunting.
    • Removing NI, NG and adding FF, allowing players to play a deathmatch, while theyre only tumbling around and the host is hunting.
    • Standard physics changing modifications listed at the start of the thread.**

    Meteor Shower
    Possible Modifications:
    • Adding NS, forcing players to be only able to tumble around. Works best with lower G's.
    • Removing NI, NG, allowing players to use items and rockets to make other players suicide/get pushed to mines.
    • Standard physics changing modifications listed at the start of the thread.**

    Mob the Staff
    Possible Modifications:
    • Standard physics changing modifications listed at the start of the thread.**

    Musical Chairs
    Possible Modifications:
    • Removing NS, allowing players to use swords and the host to pick harder maps (eg. superflip).
    • Standard physics changing modifications listed at the start of the thread.**

    Need for Speed
    Possible Modifications:
    • None found at this time.

    Race / Deathrace
    Possible Modifications:
    • Remove deathrace from the name and description, add it as a modification here: Turn friendly fire on, so players can kill eachother for a better chance to win.
    • Remove lolrace from the list, add it as a modification here: Adding G50, GLAD, NS, forcing players to tumble around and medstyle to finish the map.
    • Doing specifically supermario3 in reverse without adding anything new (except /admin_team red i think is the command). First player to reach the starting line wins.
    • Standard physics changing modifications listed at the start of the thread.**

    Red Light, Green Light
    Possible Modifications:
    • Adding NS so players have to tumble instead of dash.
    • Standard physics changing modifications listed at the start of the thread.**

    Possible Modifications:
    • Removing NI so players can use items.
    • Removing NG so players can use rockets and stun grenadelaunchers.
    • Standard physics changing modifications listed at the start of the thread.**

    Possible Modifications:
    • Standard PVP modifications listed at the start of the thread *
    • Standard physics changing modifications listed at the start of the thread.**

    Run From Dagger
    Possible Modifications:
    • Turning FF on so players can slash eachother.
    • Standard physics changing modifications listed at the start of the thread.**

    Run From Goblin
    Possible Modifications:
    • Removing NI so players can use items to give themselves a better chance of winning.
    • Standard physics changing modifications listed at the start of the thread.**

    Run From Long Dagger/ Sword
    Possible Modifications:
    • Removing NI to allow item usage.
    • Removing NG to allow rockets and stun grenadelaunchers usage.
    • Allowing FF so players can slash eachother.
    • Standard physics changing modifications listed at the start of the thread.**

    Run From Nade
    Possible Modifications:
    • Allowing FF so players can slash eachother.
    • Adding NS so players have to tumble around instead of dash.
    • Standard physics changing modifications listed at the start of the thread.**

    Run From Sword
    Possible Modifications:
    • Allowing FF so players can slash eachother.
    • Standard physics changing modifications listed at the start of the thread.**

    Possible Modifications:
    • None found at this time

    Simon Says
    Possible Modifications:
    • Adding FF, where a deathmatch starts whenever simon says so and ends when he says. Anyone who kills after gets killed and those who died respawn.
    • Standard physics changing modifications listed at the start of the thread.**

    Smoking Kills
    Possible Modifications:
    • Removing NI to allow usage of items to increase chance of winning.
    • Adding J0 so players cant jump.
    • Standard physics changing modifications listed at the start of the thread.**

    The Stalker
    Possible Modifications:
    • Turning FF on so players can play deathmatch while the host is hunting.
    • Removing NG so players can use rockets and stun grenadelaunchers.
    • Removing NI so players can use items.
    • Standard physics changing modifications listed at the start of the thread.**

    True or False
    Possible Modifications:
    • None found at this time.

    Turbo Deathmatch
    Possible Modifications:
    • Remove this event, added it as a modification in deathmatch.

    Turbo Survivor
    Possible Modifications:
    • Remove this event, added it as a modification in Freestyle Wars.

    Wall to Wall
    Possible Modifications:
    • Adding NS and adjusting difficulty accordingly.
    • Standard physics changing modifications listed at the start of the thread.**

    Last edited by Bunny; 12-05-2019 at 01:54 PM.

  2. The following 4 users say thank you to Bunny for this useful post:

    Complaint (11-20-2019), Hulk (11-22-2019), Lin (11-20-2019), Raz (11-20-2019)

  3. #2
    GeorgeGFX's Avatar

    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    No matter how long I scroll down your post doesn't end...

    >>> Credits to Sikk408 @ DevaintArt <<<

  4. The following user said thank you to GeorgeGFX for this useful post:

    Bunny (11-20-2019)

  5. #3

    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    thank you very much sir

    thank you Sinon <3

  6. The following user said thank you to Lin for this useful post:

    Bunny (11-20-2019)

  7. #4
    _Jan's Avatar Not simple to be simple.

    Join Date
    Nov 2015


  8. #5
    Zabu's Avatar Freestyler

    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    changing/adding a few tags and rules to the events would be fun, adding more tags like FF or RTD for some events, since the players and the hosts got bored of the repeated events, you can tell cause the event test thread is so active currently and some ets been working so hard on testing new events and coming up with new ideas. I personally like adding FF to events like LMS, Dodgeball, RFN, etc. Lin hosted a set like that adding FF and RTD and even allowed the players to use w.e items they want (even rockets and stun grenades) and it was so fun and people really enjoyed it, so I don't think anyone minds that, and for a fact events are too easy for almost everyone nowadays, almost everyone can win and we get too many winners in a set, compared on how it was like 1~2 years ago, so why don't we increase the events' level and make them a lil bit harder and actually competitive.

    I'd like also to suggest a unique idea/way hosting Race events to make them more fun and give an opportunity for other players as well, since there are a few random ass no-lifers nerds who usually win most of the Race events, so normal way is actually good, but you can mix it up from time to time just for fun, so my idea is allowing the host to freeze all the players during the game for like 1 or 2 seconds, since there's a high chance for some of them to suicide if they are mid-air so it makes the event more competitive and stressful and makes the players count every step they take, that would be fun and tricky.

  9. The following user said thank you to Zabu for this useful post:

    Bunny (11-21-2019)

  10. #6
    Bunny's Avatar woof.

    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Added to king of the hill;
    • Removing S300, Adding G300, J300 for super high jumps and faster falling.

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