noobs vs wearepros

Donotdodge vs Team Luke

Gladiators vs indiaftw

Tomorrowland vs AkimboisntGod

*You can find the team leaders in this thread, you should contact them as soon as possible!*

The deadline for this round is Friday, 3rd January, 2020 (03/01/2020)

Remember this rule: If you do not turn up to your matchup on the agreed time between you and your opponent team you will be replaced by a substitute team in the reserves list.

There are currently two sub teams:

1. lawri10kmnose
2. Potter-Heads

For any questions / queries feel free to PM me Ommadawn or Divine.

If you are having issues contacting your opponent team please contact me as soon as possible, don't wait until the deadline day or after it to contact me about it.

Goodluck to all of you!