Originally Posted by Sinon View Post
Well, I doubt it would take 2 years (the time I've been asking for it), and as for exactly Gunz I've haven't work, I've worked on games like World Of Warcraft's private server basing the few things ik by it, it shouldn't take more than 1 month (in the case that you're working in many things).
So that's a no. GunZ is not WoW and I don't know what you did there nor could I judge it. Neither could you judge how much work certain tasks on GunZ take if you have never done any GunZ development and have zero experience in regards to that. Anyhow, Stephan is right about this being an unofficial hobby with a small team.

Also, it's a lot about motivation and what you focus on. Fixing CQ for example has never been my focus ever since Maiet left it as a buggy mess as I mentioned above. The proper fix would be remaking those maps [from scratch] which actually takes effort / time and if you consider the result and how many / few people would play those 2-3 CQ stages a few times, you consider multiple times if it's really worth your effort / time. And then you end up doing something else instead, something more people can enjoy and appreciate.

I'll take this thread for what it is [a rant regarding quests] and leave it open so you can get more feedback from others or whatever you're aiming for.