Originally Posted by Emperor View Post
Well you report me and expect me to provide you with the replay ? Not happening sorry. insulted players around me, I would've have been reported tons of times. Does Mari's report has anything to do here? And you don't even speak Hindi language properly so pls don't provide your translation which is completely wrong.
You are not going to post replay? well it's enough for me ty for dodging
hence its kinda proved that he abused power, he didn't even speak 1 word about why he kicked me ofc there is nothing to say(abused power)
if he didn't do anything wrong he would have proved it but he trying to dodge

why u expecting tons of reports? u got before Mari's and now mine

I really looking forward to justice for players like me, many players disappointed and quit gunz bez of argued with staff and get insulting every time and we feel like shameless and saddest truth is result will be players mute nothing else only option left for players is "GIVE UP" and "MOVE ON" this makes players interest get down in Gunz and Gunz is a memory of 90's that's why we still playing it even it is death it will remain as a memory.