Originally Posted by McSic View Post
We would appreciate that.
Goblin King: 180.000
Fake Goblin King: 160.000
Thunder Goblin King: 210.000
Dwarf Goblin King: 200.000
Giant Lizardman: 250.000
Broken Golem: 450.000
Superion The Tainted: 225.000
Aneramon The Wicked: 460.000
Lich: 480.000
Palmpoa Commander: 170.000
Palmpow: 300.000
Cursed Palmpow: 480.000
Zombie King: 230.000
Zombie Queen: 200.000
Zombie Queen II: 550.000
School Quest: 140.000
Boss Party: 2.500.000
Mansion (Page 65): 535.000
Prison (Page 65): 600.000
Dungeon (Page 65): 500.000

This is just my opinion tho, any change into this is welcome. (i've put those exp to pages 65 cz they're more harder than almost all, just behind Zombie Queen II in the case of mansion and dungeon, and boss party. With those exp it'll be worth for play).