Originally Posted by Bunny View Post
then try comprehending the whole sentence maybe?
The fact is that one of the options were the cw rewards, which means you gave into consideration that way.

Originally Posted by Bunny View Post
Very simple- players are given way too much free stuff right now, without justification in the form of desirable items to acquire. A lot of people are/were sitting with thousands of coins on their account.
Can you tell me how many players play cw all the day while stream on twich daily in good quality, make 2 rbs per month, win weekly compt, win events and play/be afk for 3 hrs? I think you get the answer, if not let me tell you.

There are many ways, that's a fact, but they are more options than any other things. Some ppl just play 3 hrs daily for activity points, others play cw for get more coins or they just cw w/o playing/ being afk for 3 hrs, some just stream, and others focus on weekly and/or rb in a month. And i guess you've never tried lucky boxes for get an item (or cosmetic boxes), because these shits are famous on how you spend 2k, 3k or even 4k and still you havn't get any legendary item (or in the case of cosmetic boxes an especific item).

Those that grind coins af are few ppl which can play for 4, 5, 6 and even more hours in a day, do you think everyone can do this? If so then why i always saw players complaining about that cw isn't played so much? Or why i see few streamers? Or why i've seen posts/threads of players saying 3 hrs is too much for an activity point?

I guess you have a lot of time for get coins and you can get all ways for get coins, but that's you, not everyone.