Originally Posted by Eran View Post
There is a bug with the points you get from clan wars and Mcsic said it will be fixed next patch or if the server crash so problem solved
Patch 29.07.2020

Fixed a CW points bug where CWs would reward too little points. You should now get the correct amount of points when CWing (generally speaking: more players = more points)

As for

Originally Posted by Original Post
played like 50-60 clan wars last week.. can u guys if not revert, at least increase the coins received? I played for idk but minimum 300cwpoints last week, and all i get is 70 coins? like thats literally 3 lucky boxes, which is completely nothing? imagine putting in a weeks work just to get less than 3 days of afking in training rooms for 1.5 hours and playing for 1 hour only? might as well just play 3 hours 3 days in a row to get 3 lucky boxes AND A COSMETIC BOX. What im saying is that, a week's worth of time spent on this game is just giving us LESS than 3 days worth of prize like wtf? I suggest that u guys increase it from 20/25 whatever it is now, to at least 35, if not 50. The cw prizes are terrible
You get donation coins on top of the activity rewards when you play enough clan wars, this is already an extra reward just for playing a bunch, and it was really easy for a bunch of players to rake in so many extra coins, so the nerf was justified in all honesty.