Originally Posted by Tupac Shakur View Post
No offense but I don't think anyone can say kicking people without reason is against the rules when nothing is being done or gets done about the problem, if it was truly "against the rules" , there would be procedures in place already . A gm going into a room to "ask" other players why they kicked you , isn't fixing the problem , if anything its those people in that rooms word against yours , and if everyone in that room knows each other or are in the same clan, what have you , obviously they are going to side with the person who kicked, not the person who was kicked , people lie by nature .
Record and report them when they votekick you.
When you enter the room, have the auto replay option on.
You will record the whole round/s– so whenever you get kicked for no good reason, you go and report it as an abuse. No one cares if they lying if there is a record.
