IGN of reported player: Relax with colors

Reason: We were in musical chairs event, TET benny was hosting and everything was fine, we started the 2nd round, and after we spawn its so normal for the players to start moving/tumbling until the hosts freezes us, that's what the freeze command is made for, so I was moving before the freeze, so I got stuck moving with freeze command on, I didn't rly mean to do that, now benny doing his job freezes me and he spawns me again, and out of no where the ET relax comes to me, kills me and tell me these words that are in the ss, I've played this event more times than I could remember, and I know that what I did is completely fine, and btw he does hate me, but idc, he can't talk to me in that way while I'm not doing anything wrong, and btw it was benny who was hosting so he was handling everything in the right way,
I think I deserve an apology from relax directly.

Proof/Evidence: https://imgur.com/a/SC8IiEV