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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    IGN of reported player: ^XSh^Tan^Zks^Y/ Nami

    Reason: This guy is following me everywhere, everytime because i reported him once about death avoid and he didn't like it, since this report i made against him, this guy doesn't leave me alone for a bit, he's stalking me, harassing me and hunting me on purpose, he also writes always 'Raz (or other character im playing on, he knows all of my alts already, because he's following me hard) 'You're spiking, fix it', he joins to my room for 1 thing, even if im not spiking, he says it because he want me to get out of the room, this is his objective since i reported him, and all of the gms are knowing that he has something against me, especifically AGAINST ME, even in events, he always informs to the staff members only about me, if someone will be with 600 ping in the event and my ping will jump from 90 to 105, he will inform about me, not about the other guy with the 600 ping, because he hates me and he wants me to get a warning in any way, take it seriously please, this guy is harassing me nonstop. (at 47 Avivkm writes it with cynicism, he's my friend)

    Last edited by Raz; 10-20-2020 at 04:57 PM.

  2. #2
    Ommadawn's Avatar Bird + Trash = ?

    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Some of us, the GMs, have received a few complaints from you and Shanks about each other, sometimes it was about spiking, sometimes it was about harassing and sometimes it was about insulting/flaming. Just like you made a report about him for avoiding death, he reported you for doing it as well. It is not a secret that you guys are not fans of each other and I wonder if there could be a solution to this. What do you think?

    I already talked to both of you and told you both to /ignore each other but even when you do that you two somehow manage to create drama. I can understand your point of view when you say that he tries to stalk/harass you by joining the room and telling you to fix your net issues while your net is stable but sometimes (and you're aware of that as well) you actually have net issues and in those cases he's not wrong.

    The ideal thing would be to avoid each other but you both enjoy playing the same modes and the same rooms so I wanna ask you, what would be the solution for this situation?

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    You right, im spiking sometimes and im not deny, does he can see if im spiking even when im afk in lobby and i don't know this option?
    take a proof, you can see at this screenshot that he's seeking for me everywhere just to say this sentence, im not seeking for him and not harassing him, he always starting to attack and hunt only me, the point is: Tell this guy to stop being so obsessive with me, that's all.
    Last edited by Raz; 10-20-2020 at 05:50 PM.

  4. #4
    Ommadawn's Avatar Bird + Trash = ?

    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    As it can see in the evidence you provided, he did complain about you having net issues while there was nothing wrong so it does look like he told you to fix your net issues just so force you to leave the room, not to mention the whisper you received while you were in the lobby. Therefore, he has received a verbal warning and a PM from me about this situation so feel free to report him if he continues to do so.

    But, and it is a big but, you are not allowed to harass/flame/insult him, something which you did in the past. So take this as an official warning, you BOTH will be punished if you continue this non-sense. Either you two /ignore each other or just avoid of playing in the same rooms or learn how to get along. We do not want to take actions against any of you but we will if you won't stop.

    Thanks for reporting, I hope I was clear enough.

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