Originally Posted by Eran View Post
normal grenade takes skill because as you said you need to think where to throw and all that but the stun just stuns u even if it doesn't touch you and another difference is that a grenade doesn't stop you from moving but the stun launcher does.
but yea I never really use that gun so idk..
and what I meant about "clicking left mouse button" that's what you do after you get your enemy stunned you just spray the shit out of your enemy with rifle without even letting your enemy move till it dies. It takes no skill to aim an opponent that cannot even move unless you use like 16,000 dpi and high sens shit idk
Understandable. However I think the stun is more of a reward for landing it. Yes it basically means you're dead, but that's the consequence of getting stunned. I do think it's a bit unfair.

Maybe we could have a damage reduction added to players that are stunned? Like a 10-25% damage reduction while stunned. That would make it a bit more fair for those that abuse the stun with a weapon that can basically "one shot" you while you're stunned (rifle/pistols/revs). I like to play a bit more fair lately and instead of using a gun that will guarantee me a kill if I stun someone I'll use snipers or shotguns. I'll admit it does get a bit boring to just spray your enemy down with a rifle/pistols when you stun them. Got to give them a chance