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  1. #1
    TomasEdison's Avatar ✨ שָׁוִיתי ה' לנֶגדי תמיד

    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    *The Head GM, Divine, may handle this report and give the final decision since he has already handled the recent ones.* I'd also like Tony to read it and post a reply (confirmation) for what I mentioned in green below.

    IGN of reported player: MusturdCake

    Reason: Lagging in another Stairway room. Most of his lags were indeed minor, but you could spot and feel them while fighting him.

    Few rhetorical questions:
    Do you really think something has changed the past few years? no. He keeps getting reported to the GMs in-game on daily basis. Divine, you're more than welcome to ask them how many times he gets reported everyday (with emphasis on TonySoprano who's been watching him on hide-mode for the past few months, warning him about his internet issues via /whisper, and more). I'd like to receive a confirmation about it because I am not lying. Both of us have a lot of conversations regarding Musturd, and what I assume is it's probably not spoken between the GMs. Why so? because he would've been banned again long ago. It can't be that players constantly complain about the same player over and over without ANY relevant and useful action taken. Besides, the Event Team members can also confirm that he's continuously being reported for having minor/heavy spikes and lags during events, once he's already aware of them beforehand.

    Has anything learned from the last report? no. (here) Seems like he keeps repeating the same things, after he was muted, warned and banned multiple times.

    Do you REALLY think he gives a single damn about the rules of this game? no. Proof? click here. Just look at it, his name was mentioned here, in the reports section, too many times for the past several years.

    Now, this is the time to put it on the table; he's permanently muted for a reason, and the entire GM team is aware of that.
    ✔️ He's been manipulating different processes of games (either events or regular rooms such as Gladiator, etc).
    ✔️ Harassing and stalking tons of players in-game by various ways. (< this is the main reason got him perma-muted)
    ✔️ Insulting and flaming as well.

    Nevertheless, as regards of the incident occurred today, the proof I provided is probably not enough. However, you can clearly see that he had lags and kept playing. He refused to fix it UNTIL TonySoprano joined the room on hide-mode and warned him about it via /whisper. If he wasn't joining the room at that time, he wouldn't fix his lags and I could've provided a longer replay with more proof.
    Q: How do I know?
    A: It's not the first nor tenth time.
    He's literally always there to give him more and more chances to avoid a punishment, which is not acceptable.

    Lastly, Divine, you stated in the last report: "I hope this will encourage him to fix his net issues going forward". Unfortunately, it doesn't encourage him at all. Hope this time further actions will be taken.


    Last edited by TomasEdison; 12-04-2020 at 09:55 PM.

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    Know then, that the world exists for you: build, therefore, your own world”

    - "Nature" (Chapter 8), Ralph Waldo Emerson
    *Credits to GeorgeGFX for the Avatar picture!

  2. #2
    Divine's Avatar Ex Head Game Moderator

    Join Date
    May 2012
    Hi Tom,

    Thanks for the detailed report.

    Having looked at the evidence and taking into consideration that this user has had net issues for a long time which works in his favor, I have come to the conclusion of banning the user for 2 weeks (14 days), if the user still plays while lagging/spiking after getting unbanned, then the punishment will double up each time.

    I hope this has resolved the matter and wish you a great weekend.


    "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us."

    "The brave may not live forever, but the cautious do not live at all."

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