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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    ign: Tomas (the trial)
    Reason: Abusing powers...
    Didn't know I'd have to make a report but I saw everything myself and was TEMPTED.
    Evidence: MusturdCake kicked a player named "Town" and got warned for that.

    I saw a reason for his kick which was 'Town' attacking musturd while Musturd only held 'training' rockets. And later equipped shotguns. Both 'Town' and Tomas started shouting
    "Stop abusing spike". What im saying is you enjoy killing the person who has no dmg weapons without crying about the spikes and once he gets dmg weapons you attack him and cry like a baby like naaa.

    I won't say it's a justified reason but it's close enough innit. Moreover, Both Town and Musturd have previously been kicking each other out of rooms. So there is a tradition here.

    My report is against Tomas the trial GM, he decided to warn Musturd for a single kick saying it's a kick abuse and when I ask Town about it he says he made no report which implies that he didn't want to report Musturd. So, how does he have nerves/powers to warn a player without the wants of the person getting kicked?

    Also Tomas was in the room in hide mode and gave no verbal warning to Musturd after the kick and instead he decided to give a damn warning.

    Fam, if this reports gets to nowhere and his warning remains then, expect reports by me of kicks.
    I hope you'll give the same punishment musturd got
    And not be biased

    Lastly, a GM has to stay neutral regardless of past things, hats off to tony for changing into a non-bias gm.

    But with this behaviour of this trial there is no chance that he'd treat everyone equally.

    Hi Aredus

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    603 - Town claiming that he didn't make a report and shows he doesn't wanna make one anyways.

  3. #3
    TomasEdison's Avatar ✨ שָׁוִיתי ה' לנֶגדי תמיד

    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    Hi Mex,

    Proof for MusturdCake abusing spikes/lags:
    He indeed abused force-lag and I verbally warned him about that. He decided to ignore, his fault. Just to mention that I was informed next times it happens with any player who's abusing spikes, then he should be permanently-kicked from the exact room immediately. Musturd, keep it in mind for the future. Next times you're caught for abusing force-lag, and you're warned for that and you do not fix it, then you will be permanently kicked from the exact room.

    Are you aware of that Town and I are in the same clan? probably not. We were chatting there and he complained multiple times about MusturdCake, so I joined the room to see what's going on. (The force-lag incident has been explained above ^, so I won't repeat it). Every player who kicks for invalid reason will be punished accordingly, there's no exception for MusturdCake. However, let's be honest now, Mex. He knows the rules and regulations perfectly, and he decides to ignore them. Looking at his past offences just prove it to me and everyone else who's willing to check it. He received TWO reports on forums in the recent period, and it just shows that he gives zero care for the game's rules.

    As for the warning he received; to begin with the warning has been removed, BUT take it as a verbal warning that next times it will not be tolerated. Kicking for invalid reason isn't acceptable at all. Hope you're reading this, Musturd.

    Again, Town reported MusturdCake in our clan-chat, complaining that he's annoying and all of that. By the time I went out to go on /hide mode, MusturdCake started a 'vote-kick' and I could catch him for that. He took advantage of the fact a staff member left the room so he can do something against the rules. Well, I'm not surprised since it's not the first time.

    Nevertheless, Town either will have a conversation with me or receive a verbal warning. Both users should evade each other.


    “Every spirit builds itself a house, and beyond its house - a world, and beyond its world - a heaven.
    Know then, that the world exists for you: build, therefore, your own world”

    - "Nature" (Chapter 8), Ralph Waldo Emerson
    *Credits to GeorgeGFX for the Avatar picture!

  4. #4
    Dunkin's Avatar E X G O D

    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Warning has been reversed. Instead a verbal warning will be given for abusing the kick function.

    IN regards to everything else the right action to take when there is a player that is spiking/lagging is to kick them.

    Thank you,

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