Hello fellow Freestylers, Happy Holidays. This event will be hosted Saturday, January 2, 2021 at 2:00PM GMT. There will be a total of 3 events hosted.
The poll will determine the order of the events, and the top 3 most voted events will be hosted. The event with the most votes will be hosted with 7 rounds, the event with the second highest with 6 rounds, and the third highest event with 5 rounds.
Prizes include coins, luckybox items, and event points.
>>> TIMER (CLICK ME)<<<<
The timer can also be found on: https://fgunz.net/
Prize: 1 WIN = 25 coins
The total amount of coins being given away is 450 coins.
The winner of the last round of the first event will have a choice of two luckybox specials, while the winner of the last round of the second event will obtain the item the player in the previous event did not choose.
The Luckybox Specials that players can choose are:
[H] Psychobreaker Shotgun:
Cat in the Hat (Male / Female):
Forum Component:
Screenshot any Event Team Member using a Christmas Kodachi:
- You can win a maximum of 3 event points per day.
- Screenshots cannot be duplicates they have to be different.
- Screenshots must be taken facing the Event Team Member (their name has to be visible in the screenshot) and the type of melee has to be clearly visible.
- You must be alive in the screenshot, you cannot take a screenshot while dead or spectating.
- You can only submit one screenshot per Event Team Member, which means if you want to win the maximum amount of points you need to screenshot up to 3 different Event Team Members.
- Each screenshot allows you to win 1 event point.
- You cannot edit your posts. Doing so will be subject to deletion. If edited before 12/31/2020, this rule does not apply.
- You cannot screenshot the hosts of this event while the ESP and/or RTD room modifiers are in effect.
- All Global Rules apply, if the screenshots are taken during an event, you cannot do so from the Red Team.
- The Forum Component ends when the Christmas Kodachi expires.