Originally Posted by Eddie View Post
Hello everyone ! Not sure who remembers this good olll midgen, but if you do remember me, what's up ! Long time no see. Glad to see this pandemic hasn't ruined the community and there's still a player base. I've been away for a while due to my laptop going RIP and my PC being very old and outdated (can't do much besides a limited internet experience). But now thanks to a good ollll stimulus check, I can go grab a new laptop this upcoming week and I'm looking to get back into the community again thankfully.

On topic:
I've returned with a present for you all ! I just released my debut music video to my song called In My Zone today. It's out now on YouTube and it would mean a lot if you went to show love/hate/whatever pleases you. I'm so excited I get to share this with the world now. If you'd like to watch my video:


Great to be back and see some familiar names again ! Missed you guys
Dude longtime no see!
I see u made some big progress in ur raps and beard lolzzz
Keep going m8 hope to see u soon ingame again.

Greetz LadyRose