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  1. #1
    JP's Avatar L e a d e r

    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    10 minutes don't do much harm

    We are being less strict regarding kicks due to our new kick system ( and Game Moderators will be more lenient from now.

    The kick system was updated on DEC 29 2020

    The 2 big changes were:

    1) Kicks are no longer permanent, but are automatically lifted after 10 minutes.
    2) After starting a kick on someone, players have to wait at least 10 minutes until they can start a kick again - with no way to bypass that.

    Due to these changes, the 'abuse of the kick system' is no longer such an issue and should not be treated like one. Generally speaking, you should not receive warnings for trying to kick someone.

    To make things clear

    If you want to kick someone because they deeply annoy you, then do that. If the kick doesn't go through (because the other players have decided that they shouldn't be kicked) then respect that and don't try again after 10 minutes. On the other hand, if the vote is accepted and the user gets kicked, do not immediately try to kick them again when they're back. Give it some time to see if the player's behaviour has changed or the problems are fixed. If you repeatedly try to kick a user, it can be seen as abuse and should be treated as abuse. Only if you have given the player and the situation enough time to clearly determine if the original issue (reason for the first kick) still stands, you may try to kick them again. You see, in this situation there is a difference between a repeated valid kick or a kick abuse, and you do not want to be seen as abuser.

    Remember that there is an /ignore function

    If a situation can be resolved by ignoring the user, then you should always do that instead of kicking. Game Moderators know and they will always tell you the same thing: Use the /ignore function whenever necessary. Do not try to kick if /ignore could fix the issue.

    An important rule that still stands regarding kick abuse

    Don't gank up on players to kick them. Do not join a room with your mates to kick out a person you dislike. Do not chase players into different rooms to kick them from there. All of that is wrong, abusive and not tolerated.

  2. The following 19 users say thank you to JP for this useful post:

    Alegra (01-22-2021), Amers (01-18-2021), Aredus (01-18-2021), Bipolarity (01-23-2021), Charm Hye (01-18-2021), Divine (01-19-2021), Eeksdee (01-18-2021), Ganggbangg (01-18-2021), ImComming4U (01-18-2021), Jonathan pls (01-19-2021), Jordan (01-18-2021), Kavi (01-18-2021), Ommadawn (01-18-2021), Polar (01-19-2021), Prone (01-19-2021), ReVeN (01-18-2021), RlCK (01-18-2021), TomasEdison (01-18-2021), TonySoprano (01-18-2021)

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