Suggestion type: FGunZ ingame

Suggestion description:
So I do like the overall idea of the shading bar over the chatbox ingame, but I think next patch you guys should have it scaled down to like 10%, so that way really dark color code names aren't totally dulled out and players have to look around for a bright spot on their screen much more frequently than before.

I spoke with Ommadawn about this issue, and he said that his remedy for it was to change the opacity of it which is an option in the settings. I understand it can be edited in the settings but I was unaware of that up to that point and with it being everyone's default that means that every player will have issues seeing dark color code names, so next patch please scale down the base transparency. Love the change overall though!

I am not posting a cropped screenshot of the chat because if you can only read it by zooming in, what more proof do you need