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  1. #1
    Bunny's Avatar woof.

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    IGN of reported player:
    Hoster of the event slaps me for no reason. He claims that I was standing behind him when he said "WARNING" and dashed infront of me, not realizing that the point of a warning is that staying up is unsafe. I did what I had to do to live, and he dashed infront of me, then, after dashing infront of me, claimed I stood behind him and slapped me, without even telling me to go back.

    I don't understand how you allow newgen gms who were never et before to host events solo. A gm that never passed to become an official event moderator is hosting events which he doesnt know the rules to.

    Proof/Evidence: (end of round)

    Edit: Adding a second round to this report where i was slapped for "jumping over the host's phase".
    Apparently this is not allowed despite multiple phases where players were jumping over rockets the host (Donut) was spamming aka "jumping over the host's phase"
    At this point I don't know when I should be following rules and when i can break them. (end of round)
    Last edited by Bunny; 03-02-2021 at 01:13 AM.

  2. #2
    TomasEdison's Avatar ✨ שָׁוִיתי ה' לנֶגדי תמיד

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    Originally Posted by Bunny
    A gm that never passed to become an official event moderator
    That's funny you're preaching to me claims I'm an ex-Trial Event Moderator who "doesn't know the rules", "newgen GM" and all of that. But.. excuse me? I'm pretty sure we both got accepted as TETs for the first time back in November 2017. Not to mention we both also failed and didn't make it to official position. Even if I never made it to Official ET position, I'm still permitted to host events since I received an approval for that. I'd not host an event without being permitted, obviously. - I clearly mentioned in the rules of the event not to go behind the hosts nor jump above their phases. Surprisingly, nobody even bothered to ask any question about it or had any concern, means it was quite understandable. I told you guys to stand against the wall, indeed. - However, what do you think would happen if I am tumbling to the side? you'd obviously collide with me, push me forwards and basically go behind me which is not allowed. As an ex-Official ET, you know exactly that it's interrupting the host(s) and considered as rule-breaking. Another thing, that's not like I came up with that rule, since it's literally mentioned here in the /eventinfo command: As an ex-Official ET you should know this rule either. So, please.

    Same goes for the 2nd report regarding jumping above the host (proof attached above); it's mentioned in the rules.

    Waiting for response by Divine/McSic.

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  3. #3
    Bunny's Avatar woof.

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    I don't see how bringing up historical facts supports your argument, you never passed trials, there is clearly a reason. You are thus not expected to understand the rules of events and follow them, because you clearly didn't. The reason for allowing you to host eludes me.

    Once again, you confuse what I accuse you of and state pointless facts about the rules, when their mentions are irrelevant.

    You said not to jump over the host's phases? Cool. Nobody should have won the round where they jumped over Donut's rockets where he walked side-to-side. Nobody should have won the phase where you were standing against the front wall and spammed rockets while jumping, because everyone jumped over your rockets while you were on the ground.

    You like to make up rules? Then follow them. I didn't jump over the host, which is the actual rule in the event, and thus the slap is unjustified. Jumping above the host's phase is not a rule, because it shouldn't be. People jump over the host's phase all the time.

    Secondly, I did not pass behind the host, the host passed infront of me. This is not a situation which can be considered equivalent as forcing the host to get infront of me because the host does not display his phase beforehand considering the "WARNING" he spammed, unlike when he stands against the side wall and tumbles side to side for example, where players can deduce what "going behind the host" means.

    As an ex-ET I am not expected to be a god and know what hosts who have barely hosted an event in their lives will do and predict their actions. If you were going to tumble, an experienced et would ensure nobody is at the corner where i stood and told me to move, which has happened before.
    Last edited by Bunny; 03-02-2021 at 01:56 AM.

  4. #4
    justRelax's Avatar The name says it all.

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    Since this is an event based report, I wanted to give my opinion as an Event Team member. I believe that one of the two instances were not considered rule violations.

    Round 002, the host stated to stand against the wall and from the point of the view of the observer I would also assume that the host would possibly turn since only one set of mines was placed. If the host wanted to add the option of the possibility of tumbling they could have added mines to go from the host's position to the wall. The host asked users to stand against the wall, which the user did and faced the wall, I can understand this action because if the host would turn to shoot being in the corner could be considered to be more secure. So in this instance I believe you should receive a point.

    Round 004, the user jumped on top and near the hosts shotgun which is considered jumping over the phase. The user was too close to the host which made it that the user was jumping over the phase which in my opinion is against the rules.

    To sum it up, I believe you aren't at fault for Round 002 and should receive a point for it, however for Round 4, it is fair.


  5. #5
    Bunny's Avatar woof.

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    Originally Posted by justRelax View Post
    Round 004, the user jumped on top and near the hosts shotgun which is considered jumping over the phase. The user was too close to the host which made it that the user was jumping over the phase which in my opinion is against the rules.

    To sum it up, I believe you aren't at fault for Round 002 and should receive a point for it, however for Round 4, it is fair.
    Let's imagine the host was instead spamming rockets in the same location. Considering the only way to pass such a phase is to jump over the rockets, isn't that situation equivalent, or how are players supposed to pass that phase?

  6. #6
    justRelax's Avatar The name says it all.

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    That would consider the angle of the rocket, if its too high it would be considered impossible because you cannot jump over the rocket launcher itself to pass the phase, aka you making the jump too close to the host, but if its on the low angle you could jump over the rocket to pass the phase, and the jump has to be away from the host.

    We can work on making this rule more clearer to make it easier to understand however the timing of your jump for Round 4 looked to me that you jumped over the host's shotgun which was going above the host, so we may add a rule to determine adequate distance from the host for jumping. However as it is now, from my view it looks like a rule break by the current ruleset.


  7. #7
    Bunny's Avatar woof.

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    If the rocket is perfectly horizontal, standing close to the host (but far enough away from the rocket launcher not to abuse passing through it) or far from the host has no meaning (in that rocket example/instance), so why would it matter if i would pass closer rather than further? I could just the same jump whilst a little further from the host in the original round, i simply dont see the difference.

    Regardless jumping over the hosts phase has never been a rule nor is it on the eventinfo, especially because people pass over the phases all the time.

  8. #8
    Divine's Avatar Ex Head Game Moderator

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    I believe Tom has already sent you the event point for round 2 and no points will be sent for round 4.

    We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience this has caused you, Bunny.

    Any further questions regarding this, please do not hesitate to contact me privately.


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