Originally Posted by Divine View Post
Have you tried updating your graphic card?

I would also recommend deleting the anti-virus programs.
No offense but being one of the most staff members as a HGM is pretty irrelevant to suggest something that has zero logical explanation as to why an anti-virus program might be triggering the problem OP is experiencing, don't do that pls.

@OP, do me a favor and try the following;

> Open FGunZ location folder
> Open config.xml with any editor, note that if FG is installed in the default folder (C:/ - system), might be a good idea to cut the file to Desktop where it may not require administrative privileges to modify the file.
> Once opened, find <FULLSCREEN>1</FULLSCREEN> option, if between the tag it's 1, change it to 0 such as <FULLSCREEN>0</FULLSCREEN>
> Try to run FG now, let me know if it works and if it doesn't, post in the thread and I'll suggest you other things.

Out of the blue, do you have Valorant game installed on your PC?