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  2. #2
    TomasEdison's Avatar ✨ שָׁוִיתי ה' לנֶגדי תמיד

    Join Date
    Oct 2015

    The user has been given a warning + offline message in order to encourage him to fix his internet issues when players complain about them ever again.

    Lastly, you may try the following next times:
    - Start a vote-kick, since it's a valid reason for kicking a user.
    - Contact an online GM who can help you with that by using the following command: /staff <message>. I am literally online right now and you could easily contact me to ask for help, either by p-kicking the user or any other solution we could come up with.

    Closed & moved.

    “Every spirit builds itself a house, and beyond its house - a world, and beyond its world - a heaven.
    Know then, that the world exists for you: build, therefore, your own world”

    - "Nature" (Chapter 8), Ralph Waldo Emerson
    *Credits to GeorgeGFX for the Avatar picture!

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