num: 17
ign: Musturdcake
gunz anecd0te: started back in 2007, g0t t0 kn0w ab0ut this game thr0ugh a friend 0f mine, used t0 pIay with him f0r s0me time untiII i 0ur 0wn pc. Did aI0t 0f shit 0n fgunz e.g.
quest - was k00I and difficuIt back then untiII u reach a decent IeveI.
Hacks - used many hacks was the best part t0 bypass the game.
Stairways gIad - was fun.
GIitches - inf b0ss - quest and many 0ther shit.
AIs0 did aI0t 0f scams and managed t0 scam an acc0unt with Iike 30 sets. AIs0 used t0 farm gc0ins via d0ing surveys by 0pening up muItipIe tabs - this was a thing i d0ubt ppI knew ab0ut it.
Thats it and it died and m0ved t0 gunz server, this 1 cause n0t a br yet i see aI0t 0f n0n-engIish shit in-game. PIs mek this engIish server.