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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    IGN of reported player: Benny

    Reason: c0nstantIy sIapping me f0r spiking w/0 checking if my char is having funny m0vements. D0esn't kn0w h0w t0 h0st pIs hire new h0sts. he teIIs me i spike 30-40 ping. k1d d0esn't kn0w what spike is, speak educate this pers0n.

    Proof/Evidence: PIease take the repIays fr0m the h0st. I have ss 0f him actuaIIy saying ping 30-40 is c0nsidered spike. he needs heIp.

    By sIapping he is pr0ving 'p0werabuse' cause the k1d hates me. pIs fix y0 staffs.

    edit: he even decides t0 kick me when taIking ab0ut this issue with the GM cause he cann0t h0st w/0 me having a discussi0n. he sureIy needs heIp. i f0und 0ut i was apparentIy 'spamming', even the GM thinks im spamming. I definitely d0nt think I was, the h0st c0uId've ign0re me and c0ntinued and Iet me discuss with the GMs with the 0n-g0ing issues... weIp they decide t0 kick.
    Last edited by ImComming4U; 04-22-2021 at 07:11 PM.

  2. #2
    Ommadawn's Avatar Bird + Trash = ?

    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    1. The hosters are not obligated to share their replays, if you want to report a staff member then you're obligated to bring your own evidence.

    2. Look at these screenshots: , first you had 40 ping and then you had 120 ping and then you had 80 ping, your net was unstable and I personally told you this in-game at least 3 times. 4 Staff members (including me) told you and Mex that your ping is unstable and you said things like "I can see fire, respawn me" or "Tell mcsic to fix it, I see stable ping". We were trying to explain you but you refused to listen and you were flooding the chat so Benny asked you 3 times to stop flooding the chat about it because we all agreed about you having unstable ping, you continued flooding the chat about it which is why you got kicked, we shouldn't beg you to stop flooding the chat about the same subject after we already discussed it.

    3. I highly suggest you to stop being disrespectful towards the staff members because it will lead you to nowhere, saying stuff like "kid doesnt know what spike is, educate him" and "doesnt know how to host" and "clowns staff" won't help you.

  3. #3
    Divine's Avatar Ex Head Game Moderator

    Join Date
    May 2012
    I've been informed by a few staff members that you're constantly lagging and spiking in events and it has come to my attention that no action has been taken about it.

    I strongly advice you to find a solution for your net issues before creating another report on staff members.

    Last edited by Divine; 04-22-2021 at 07:37 PM.

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    "The brave may not live forever, but the cautious do not live at all."

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