Originally Posted by Akimbo View Post
i break down high level gameplay.

a very common situation u see every round is when you see someone run away with low hp/ap. you chase after them while they run away to their team so ur in a 1v2 or 1v3 situation which is very risky.
IF THE GUY RUNNING AWAY USE MED: you kill him and then run back to ur team
IF THE GUY RUNNING AWAY USE PILLS/VIAL: they roll away while using pills+vials and you can't kill them because pills/vials heal a lot in an instant. also since you are in a 1v2 or 1v3 situation you take more dmg than you dealt which is very bad. Also usually way better to kill someone in a 1v3 situation then die cuz they waste time trying to kill u so u make space for ur team to backstab. but if u dont kill its very bad cause now they have advantage.

buffing meds is bad cuz they heal so much already. better nerf pills/vials
You literally described your own playstyle.

Camp > wait until they have to med before you fight > run

That's not a 'common' thing, it's only common for you because you play like that. Meanwhile just let us have our pills and vials so you can camp around the corner and we can rush you instead of having 2 teams potshotting for a couple minutes every round.

I guess that's the "high level" gameplay you want to go back to but not everyone wants 1 cw to take 20 minutes.