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  1. #1
    New Member

    Join Date
    May 2021
    IGN of reported player:^WIllusion^9

    Reason:Racism and vote kicking for no reason in same clip

    Proof/Evidence:Ingame recording

    Jordan is posting the evidence for me as it surpasses the upload limit, thank you Jordan!

  2. #2
    Jordan's Avatar Cloud9 💨 💨 💨

    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Originally Posted by Artorias View Post
    IGN of reported player:^WIllusion^9

    Reason:Racism and vote kicking for no reason in same clip

    Proof/Evidence:Ingame recording

    Jordan is posting the evidence for me as it surpasses the upload limit, thank you Jordan!
    Hey Artorias, I have the evidence inside our Chat and i went ahead and took a look through it and decided to handle the report.
    First id like to add if you go to ( you can upload the replays there and just copy and paste that into the report in evidence. Secondly when going through the report i looked to establish any kind of provocation first and I did notice you asked if he was Chinese cause you noticed hes used Dog as an insult. While i see your point to be fair you brought a little bit of the race stuff first by saying that. Third and most Important About what he said, Now usually some trash talk is naturally tolerated so ya know the random stuff he said would be in his right to say as its just random talk nothing to serious. And i think the only thing that i guess was Racist was saying Typical Arab.....but it comes back to me saying how you called him out for being Chinese so in my eyes its not as harsh and probably as = to what you said to him. For the Vote kick, We have recreated the Kick Function in the game. If a user kicks you because he doesnt like you hes in his full right. But once the initial 10 minutes is over and user wants to play in that lobby and isnt starting or making disturbance and is removed again by the user it will be deemed Kick Abuse then.

    I will Leave this thread open and wait to see if Ben or Tomas would like to go over the evidence as i am American and views and politics differ for me when it comes to offensive words in different parts of the world. Thank you again for taking your time to report the user and we shall let you know the answer ASAP.

  3. #3
    TomasEdison's Avatar ✨ שָׁוִיתי ה' לנֶגדי תמיד

    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    Hey Artorias,

    After a short discussion we had within the GM team, was decided to decline your report since the offence is too minor + the conversation was provoked, just like my fellow Game Moderator, Jordan, has stated above.
    However, we've received another report about the user and it's being looked into as well.

    Closed & moved.

    “Every spirit builds itself a house, and beyond its house - a world, and beyond its world - a heaven.
    Know then, that the world exists for you: build, therefore, your own world”

    - "Nature" (Chapter 8), Ralph Waldo Emerson
    *Credits to GeorgeGFX for the Avatar picture!

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