1.The information on the forms seems to be quite outdated (about anything quest-related), Will they be updated sometime in the future?

2.There seems to be a lack of information regarding whether hp% or iLevel has any effect on drops/drop lvl and if so about how much? (and rarity?)

3.Information on the bosses drop table is not accurate at all anymore and I'm wondering if all bosses have an equal chance of dropping stuff such as MGs ext. and if so about how much? (even an approximate answer would be much appreciated)

4.Do all bosses drop all items now? (excluding scrider) and do different bosses have certain weapon drop chances boosted compared to others?

Any answer would be very much appreciated. I love this server and can't wait for future updates whether it is quality of life stuff or complete new stuff added in (that doesn't interfere with people not playing quest mode of course). Keep up the good work!