Suggestion type:
FGunZ (Questing)

Suggestion description:
I started questing since after I know the existence of different PVE type weapons. And it immediately reminded me of Borderlands. It's fekkin' awesome to have a taste of BL gameplay into GunZ as that was exactly what I have imagined back when I started BL2. Zelgadus is a fekkin' questgod now.

Aite anyways, main point comin' up:

Not sure if anyone thought/suggested this before; but in BL2/BL3; some guns that are on Legendary or Seraph guns have unique firing patterns or some of them shoots burgers as nades. Taking that as a concept, I was thinking of adding similar guns or just ultimately import them into FGunZ.

Maggie, a revolver that fires 6 projectiles per shot like a shotgun but with better accuracy, tighter spread.
The Lob, A shotgun that fires literal energy balls.

You get the idea m8.

Now here's the catch, these unique ass guns MUST have really low drop rates as they are indeed in Legendary rarity in the BL3 game. Or just only add them in 200% or above in Boss Party. Your choice. Sky's the limit.

Also side suggestion, maybe perhaps add a color aura to guns to show their rarity if that's even possible?