Originally Posted by Ganggbangg View Post
ive been having this problem for a while now, already reinstalled my pc, got a new router, ppl don't see me spike, when i spectate people they look smooth, no ping spikes whatsoever.

check these clips though

both look smooth while spectating: https://streamable.com/16aq8h

my net is stable too:

when i play other servers i don't have this problem at all, clipped some gameplay on another server and it looked smooth.

it's not just 1 or 2 players that look like this on fgunz for me, its literally everyone, it's like the dash animation just doesn't appear, makes the game unplayable, can't aim anyone
I'd be interested in knowing more about this as well. I don't see it happen to everyone but some players I do see it. I usually attribute it to some movement that causes the dash animation to not happen but I'm not really sure. Always wondered about it.