Originally Posted by Fearlesss View Post
the absolute only way that this pserver will be brought back to life is if we make it appeal to new players so I really do not understand where you are coming from?
the problem with this statement is the fact that this is a private server rather than an official game. the (active) gunz community is already split between different servers. there is really no way to make a game this old running on a pserver appeal to new players, they'll be mowed down by long time players. removing kstyle and creating "noob only" rooms already divides a dwindling playerbase and is a poorly crafted bandaid fix to a problem that in my eyes is unfixable.

if we're to open up advertising there should be actual rewards for new players that keep them interested in playing. rather than "daily rewards" every 3 hours, new accounts under a unique IP (or however you'd stop "abuse" of this system) for X amt of time should just receive rewards when they log in. it's hard to think a new player is going to spend 3 hours a day playing this game dying repeatedly or being bored out of their mind trying to quest.

i would also recommend EXP boosts to newer accounts for a week, and maybe a referral system (i swear there was one like 10 years ago on here lol), and anything else people could think of tbh. of course with that being said, it's entirely dependent on the fact that we're actually able to retain new players and keep them playing here longer than a day at most.

with that being said, i think it's unrealistic to think that a new player would spend their time getting mowed down on a private server with "pay2win" weapons & no understanding of the actual game/how it works rather than just playing something else that's easier to pick up, plays better and feels more rewarding.

i genuinely do wish you luck finding new players though!