you guys are missing the point of the rooms without kstyle is just to get their feet in the pool. its so they can get the hang of the game mechanics on their own time and with other players that also dont know what the hell they are doing. It isnt "dividing our player base.... because they are new players to begin with. its just an idea to get them to stay and be able to play and lvl in rooms with people who also dont know k style. after they play for a while and lvl if they are a person who ends up liking the game theyll want to learn kstyle moves or d style moves.

all im seeing is a shit load of pessimism in these replies.

you guys can be happy with the average 80 players online and not believing that it will ever be more active because its a pserver. But I dont agree and I will continue to rack my brain for ideas to get new players on the server.

amamin you say just tell them to play gunz 2 then.... no. gunz 2 is trash you are missing the point.

I made this thread to discuss new ways to get players to play... not to have you guys be pessimistic and say " oh god no" "thatll never work" gunz is doomed" the energy im feeling in these posts is depressing and draining. you guys need to have a little more optimism. lol.

the end goal is new players that get invested in the game and then start trying to learn different styles. I dont want them to forever tumble and spray. But thats how we all started... or atleast I did.... and then over time i learned new moves and styles. I just want to give new players the opportunity to learn under the same circumstances.