For swords, this should never happen. blocks, massives, massive blocks, iframes, all the gladiator mechanics are gone to shit if this change is done.

Originally Posted by McSic View Post
This. It was tested by various devs and servers way back when Anti-Lead was first introduced, but showed quite some issues.

Unlike shots, grenades get avoided be players seeing them come. Now imagine getting hit by nades though they didn't hit you on your screen / you avoided them on your screen. Anti-lead on nades introduce that issue. Same issue can be said about melee weapons, you'd get hit by melee hits, though the players are nowhere near you on your screen, introducing a very annoying "ghost hit" issue basically.
With the nade stuff, player interactions additionally recoil the nades to different positions. you can often see a player die in run from nade because another player blocked a nade and made it jump to a different position, but that player was only in a position to recoil the nade in the perspective of the person who died to it.